Monday, April 12, 2010

30 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge - Day 7

I don't know about you, but I missed doing our challenge this weekend!  We had such a busy weekend, we went to Dallas, bought Jeff's hobby car (he is SO excited!) went to a charity dinner with my parents, drove back to Houston to make it to Jeff's sister's wedding shower, and then spent yesterday cleaning, doing yardwork, and helping Jeff's Mom with some things.  Whew - I need a break from the weekend!  I hope yours was wonderful!

Day 7 -

"Do not overwork to be rich; because of your own understanding, cease!  For riches certainly make themselves wings" Proverbs 23:4, 5b

"That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, that I may fill their treasuries"  Proverbs 8:21

Money is the root of much marital discord.  Ask yourself, "Am I being negative toward my husband in the area of finances?"  Determine not to speak evil of your husband in this area.  Discover ways to encourage and help him instead.

Does your husband handle finances wisely?  Does he make good financial investments, based on biblical principles?  Does he have a budget?  Does he make wise decisions about purchaes - checking many sources before he buys?  Is he a good steward of his money before the Lord?  Let him know how much you appreciate his strengths in financial matters. 

If he is weak in this area, encourage any good decisions that he does make.  Perhaps you can help him, if he's open to the idea, by organizing financial files or providing other practical assistance.  Or, if he wants you to handle the finances, ask for his input before you make decisions that will affect him.

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