Monday, August 16, 2010

Completing Him Challenge - Final Thoughts

This summer, we participated in Courtney's Completing Him Challenge at Women Living Well.  This challenge was amazing!!!!  It was great for our marriage.  It taught me how to pray for my husband, to prioritize his needs, and to ASK him things.  I was assuming way too much - turns out, I just needed to ask him what he wanted and needed from me!  I was putting way too much pressure on myself.

Courtney asked us to talk about where our marriages are right now.  Mine is in a great place.  I am learning to "save it for the big stuff", to be more respectful to my husband, to let him lead, and to relax a little.  We have been married for a little over a year, and we are having so much fun!  I love being married to him.

If you haven't checked out the challenge, visit Women Living Well and give it a try - trust me, it's great!  Thank you Courtney, for such a wonderful challenge!!!!


Kristen said...

I totally agree! I too was putting waay to much on myself! Much easier to just ask him what he needs!

Heather said...

What a great challenge, thanks for sharing with us! Love this!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post! So glad you figured it out so early on.