Wednesday, June 9, 2010

30 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge - Day 29

Good morning Ladies!

Welcome to Day 29 of our Encouragement Challenge!  I can't believe we are almost done!  For those of you that have been following our challenge, thank you so much for sticking with me, I appreciate it more than you know.

Here is Day 29 -

"A prudent man foresees evil, and hides himself; the simple pass on, and are punished"  Proverbs 27:12

As you near the end of this challenge, take time to think about your husband's responses to the wickedness of the culture, the media, etc.  Does your husband recognize and avoid evil?  Does he regularly turn his back on pornography, sexual temptations, and the urge to lie and cheat?

This is a valuable character trait.  Like Joseph in the Old Testament, who fled from the wicked advances of Potiphar's wife, this takes an understanding that these kinds of sins are first and foremost, sins against God.  (Genesis 39:9)

Praise your husband when he recognizes and turns his back on wickedness.  If you can think of a circumstance where your husband stood for righteousness, remind him of that today--and express your gratitude.

Our church tells us that more than half of the marriage counseling they do stems from problems with pornography.  Wow.  That's obviously a huge problem in many marriages.  Thankfully, this is not an issue in our marriage.  But I do know many friends of hubby's that do have this problem in their relationship.  I cannot imagine how I would feel about that.  Inadequate, not pretty enough, and so sad are the first feelings that come to mind when I think of how wives in that situation may feel.  I am so grateful that hubby is a good man that does not participate in these types of activities.

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