Thursday, May 13, 2010

Prayer Thursday

Welcome to Prayer Thursday! 
Thank you all so much for your prayers this past week!  If we can pray for you, please leave your prayer request in the comments below, or feel free to email me -

Here are our prayer requests for this week -

Please pray for the people of Nashville.  So many have lost so much because of these floods.  It has been amazing to see the articles about how that community has come together.

Please pray for the oil spill.  That it will be resolved in the best way possible, protect our oceans, beaches and animals. Please pray for the families of those that lost their lives in this disaster.

Please pray for Mary's Husband.  He has prostate cancer.  Please pray for him and the doctors that care for him.

Please pray for my Mom (Sandy) her biopsy went well, and we are expecting to get the results back on Monday.

Please pray for my sweet friend Jackie.  She is pregnant with quadruplits!  You can read about her journey here.

Please pray for my Daddy's (Jerry) job search and that his good spirits continue.  He has his second interview with a great company next Wednesday!  Praise!  Thank you so much for your prayers!

Please pray for my Grandparents, Ed & Helen.  They are having some health troubles, and my grandmother seems like she is suffering from depression. 

Please pray for little Jed Harper.  You can read about his story here.  What a beautiful family turning their sweet son's health over to God.  They are truly inspiring.

Please pray for baby Cohen and his parents.  You can read their story here.

Please pray for my friend Pam's daughter, Julie, and her husband.  They are moving across the country, and looking for new jobs!  Please pray for their move and their job searches.

I have been following Lianna's blog for a few months now, and she just seems like the sweetest girl in the whole world!  She and her husband are waiting for God to bless them with a child.  You can read about them here.

Thank you so very much for all of your prayers!  Please let me know if we can pray for you!

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