Sunday, November 15, 2009

40 Days of Thankfulness - Day 6

Today, I am thankful for my husband. We are not perfect, but he has been the perfect husband this weekend. When I got home from work last night, he had half of the bathroom painted, which is something I really wanted done, but was dreading spending the whole weekend doing. Today, he detailed the Tahoe, and took me to the Honda dealership, and helped me pick out an Accord. This is the first new car I have ever had. He was so worried about me liking it and being happy and comfortable with our decision, that it just made me love him even more. It's funny, since we have been married, sometimes he just does things that make me love him just a little bit more sometimes :)

Today, Jeff is thankful for his credit score, it came in handy on our car purchase today!

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