Here I am, after my 30th birthday dinner, after I told hubby, "We didn't take a single picture on my birthday!"
My cookie cake, which has become a tradition.
We spent the day at the Sam Houston vs. SFA game. So fun! It has become a tradition too.
My precious Pappa came all the way from Port O Connor to take us to dinner for my 30th birthday. I adore him. So does Jaxson!
It's only my favorite place in the universe - so it makes perfect sense that I would celebrate there!
With my Favorite Friend!!!!
I wish I had these crystals at my wedding. Just sayin'.
Seriously, who makes a whole bar out of crystals? Vegas, that's who!
More crystals! Seriously, I love this town!
Brandy and Johnny wimming moola playing blackjack
Robert, our fave dealer!
Oh, too many vodka sodas...
A sweet birthday treat waiting in our room from my parents.
Even the strawberries in Vegas have giltter on them!
The view from our room
Have you ever been to a Roy's? AMAZING.
I love Bran and Johnny so much for driving all the way to Vegas to celebrate our birthdays! We always have so much fun together and I am so so blessed to have her as my precious friend!
Bran is only 29 - so we get to do this again next year!!!!
Look at the sweetness that I got to come home to! My sweet, precious little man!
I do feel older. Truly I do. But, I am beyond blessed. This year is going to be amazing, I can feel it!