Thursday, October 7, 2010

Prayer Thursday

Hi Ladies! 

Thank you all so much for your prayers this past week!  If we can pray for you, please leave your prayer request in the comments below, or feel free to email me -

Here are our prayer requests for this week -

Please pray for Leslie Joy Evans.  She is in a coma after delivering her twin babies that did not make it.  Please pray for her husband and her family during this time.  You can learn more about her here.

Please pray for Teresa.  Her husband, Jack, had a stroke and is hospitalized.  Their family needs us to pray for them and Jack's doctors and care.  You can read about them here.

Please pray for Leslie and Noah.  She is newly pregnant, and they are having some difficulties.  You can read about their pregnancy and worries here.

My Grandmother was recently diagnosed with Alzehiemers.  We are all confused, concerned, and scared.  Please pray for her, that God will give her the peace that he will take care of her.  Please pray for our family, that we all have patience, strength and understanding for her.

Please pray for Laura.  Her Grandma is showing signs of kidney failure.  She has had a very rough time over the past 15 years, losing two husbands and her mother.  Please also pray for her husband Don, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year and is going through treatments.  Please pray for God to give her the strength and hope to fight through this, and that he hold her tight with love and comfort during this time.  Please also pray for Laura's niece, she is having eye surgery.  Please also pray for Laura's husband, that he have God's guidance in his life right now.

Please pray for sweet baby Bennett.  He was born oh-so-tiny, but has been getting bigger and stronger!  You can read his little story here.

We have been praying for sweet Annika for awhile now, at the request of Kasey.  Please say a special prayer for her dear little body, that God will give her the strength to fight this disease.  Annika is 5 years old and was diagnosed with a rare form of acute lympocytic leukemia.  Please pray for her, her family and her doctors.  I can't imagine what her family is going through.  Isn't she beautiful?  Just look at that smile!

Please pray for baby Cohen's parents. You can read their story here.  He is in God's beautiful hands now. 

Please pray for sweet Sarah.  She is praying and waiting for God to bless her with a true Godly man that could be a wonderful influence to her young son to share their lives with.  Her testimony is so beautiful, I felt inspired just reading it.

Please pray for my coworker Colin.  His daughter in law had breast cancer three years ago, and won that fight.  Unfortunately, the cancer is back - this time in her spine.  She is going through radiation now and the prognosis is not positive.  Please pray for her.

Please pray for my sweet friend Jackie.  She is starting the bring the quadruplets home!!!  They are all safe and doing well.  She is super mom!  Please pray for her and the babies.  You can read about her journey here.

Please pray for my Daddy's (Jerry) job search and that his good spirits continue.  I just know God has the perfect plan for him. 

Please pray for little Jed Harper.  You can read about his story here.  What a beautiful family turning their sweet son's health over to God.  They are truly inspiring.

I have been following Lianna's blog for a few months now, and she just seems like the sweetest girl!  She and her husband are waiting for God to bless them with a child.  You can read about them here.  Please pray for their journey to become parents.

Could you please also pray for our friend's Dad?  He had surgery a few months ago and is having some memory problems.  Please pray for their family and his doctors, and that they can find out what is wrong.

In closing, could you please pray for hubby and I?  Everything is fine, but we have some different things going on lately and I am praying that God speaks to both our hearts and shows us the right paths and decisions that will be pleasing to him.  Hubby is struggling with giving things over to God.  Please pray that he feels the peace and comfort that comes with trust God and giving him all that we have.  Thank you!  (I can tell you sweet ladies have been praying for us.  I can feel God making changes in our lives and hearts!  Thank you, thank you!)

Thank you so very much for all of your prayers!  Please let me know if we can pray for you!


Kasey said...

Thanks for still praying for Annika. She has some good days and some bad days. Haven't heard much in the past few weeks. Will keep you updated!

Unknown said...

Just finished reading every post on Leslie Joy Evans......what an amazing story. Tears in my eyes, and a prayer in my heart for her family.