Monday, October 4, 2010

Making Your Home a Haven Challenge - Week 1

I am so excited to start week one of Women Living Well's Fall Challenge - Making Your Home a Haven.  This weeks challenge is:

Go buy a large candle and light it everyday in your home.  Each time the candle catches your eye, say a prayer for peace in your home. 

I love this idea!  I went to Bed Bath and Beyond today, and bought three new fall scented candles.  Tonight, I lit the Yankee Candle Autumn Wreath 22oz Jar.  It smells amazing!  Hubby noticed it and liked the smell immediately.  And I love the idea of saying a prayer for peace in our home each time I see it.  I placed in on our bar in the kitchen, because it is the center of our home.

Please take a moment to visit Courtney's blog and read about the two types of homes that we create as women.  I do not have children yet, so I can't relate to all of these, but I definitely recognize that it is me, my actions, and my attitude that set the tone for our home.  And, I want it to be a home that my husband cannot wait to get home to, feels comfortable in, and sees as his haven.  I'm working on it :)

I want to be like the Proverbs 14:1 woman that Courtney references, "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands, the foolish one tears hers down".


Kerbi said...

I love this idea!

Joanna said...

That sounds like a great idea! Love the candles!

Unknown said...

I just ordered that candle too! :) I love the pumpkins too. I am enjoying and benefiting from week one already!

Liz Martin said...

I love this idea! I need to got get a bunch of candles. I LOVE fall candles!

The Nunnallys said...

I am so excited for this fall challenge. I have really enjoyed lighting my candle this week.

Melissa said...

Amen sister! We do not have children either but that doesn't mean that we don't have an impact on our home's atmosphere. I pray that you feel God's peace as you continue through Courtney's challenge!

Many Blessings,