Monday, January 21, 2013

20 Months Old

My sweet little man is 20 months old!!!

Where has the time gone?  It seems like a few months ago I was brining this precious little bitty home from the hospital...3AM feedings...breast feeding...worrying about everything....

And is SO FUN!  Words are just spilling out of that precious little man.  He says something new each and everyday. 

He loves to come over and grab your hand and say "See, see" and then takes you where he wants you to go.  He wants to share everything with us.  It is precious.

He loves to play with his magnet numbers on the fridge.  When he wants to play, he says "Two, two" and goes to the little drawer by the fridge where we keep them.

He loves to sit in the car and pretend like he is driving.  It's his favorite thing.

Jaxson loves the park.  Everytime we drive past it he says, "Go, go?"

He has the kindest little heart.  He LOVES people and gives the sweetest hugs & kisses.  He worries about anyone that is hurt, and brings tears to my eyes when he asks for Momma.  I adore him.

I made a list of all the words that he says.  I know it's boring for most of you, but I want to be able to look back later and see.

Momma, Dadda, Gigi, Grandpa, Pappa, Valerie, BeeBee (what he calls Bandit), Mae Mae, Jim, Spoon, Please (peas, peas), Thank You, Amen, Book, Sit, Hot, Uh-Oh, Brush, Oh No!, Car, Truck, Chicken, Truck, Tree, Ew, Kitty, Dog, No, Yeah, More, Eat, Night Night, Hi, Bye, Ball, Juice, Milk, Cracker, Bananas, Shoes, Tee Tee, More, Chip, Yes, Grover, Big Bird, Cookie, Baby, Mmmmm, Burr, Puppy, Woof, Pizza, Pretzel, Go, One, Two, Choo Choo, Eyes, See, Santa, Woah!, Achoo, Bubbles, Pee Pee, Where Did It Go?, I See, Roar, Meow, Fish, Mine, Me Too, Teeth.

I'm so proud of my sweet little man.  I can't even remember what life was like before we had him!  I am so thankful to God for such a smart, perfect, healthy little boy.  I am honored and humbled that he chose us to be his parents.


Unknown said...

He is so big, it's unreal. He is so stinkin' cute!! Miss you, come visit soon! :)

Kristi said...

What a sweet post, Michelle. Isn't it crazy how time flies? Wow. Jaxson is a doll, and I love that smile in the picture where he's wearing the red and blue striped shirt. Too bad we don't live there right now, because I think our boys would have so much fun together.