Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sweet Home Alabama

Jaxson and I just got back from a fantastic week in Killen, Alabama.
He was such a good boy on the plane.  He did a fantastic job.  Kicking the seat in front of us was a tempting thing...but we managed.  He pretty much loved it.  We even held hands and said a little prayer while we were taking off and landing.  It was a super sweet moment I hope I always remember.
My grandfather, my precious Edaddy lives in Killen, along with my Aunt Cindy and most of the rest of that side of my family.  Jaxson loves them.

My Daddy bought Jaxson his first big float to pull behind the boat.  He loved jumping off of it, but not riding in it behind the boat.  Maybe next year.

We also had lunch with Jaxson's Great Great Grandmother, Polly, and his Great Great Aunt Shelia.  It was so fun getting to visit with them.

Jaxson with his Great Aunt Cha Cha.

My Aunt lives on Wilson Lake, which is part of the TN River.  It's beautiful and I just love it.  Jaxson loves it too.

My Aunt is one of my favorite people in the world.  Notice my swimsuit?  It's my first "Momma" swimsuit ever.  It's amazing how great it felt to have my tummy covered.  I actually felt better about myself, not older!  Go figure!

Jaxson and Edaddy solved all the world's problems.

And there were many many cut throat games of Chicken Foot 

Jaxson even helped Edaddy clean up the yard.  He would follow him anywhere!
Jaxson and my Daddy did a lot of fishing.  Even though Jaxson didn't like the worms...or the fish.

I love this picture.

All the girls...and my little guy.  

I miss my family already.  I would move back to Alabama tomorrow if I could convince hubby that it made sense.  People are so kind, the world moves a little bit slower...and I just love the south.  Everything is monogrammed, everyone smiles at you, and you hear 'Bless her Heart' at least 5x a day.  It's just the way to live!

Friday, August 8, 2014

First let me take a selfie...

Jaxson LOVES taking pictures of himself "selfies" and looking at them.  I can't decide if this is normal for the younger generations...or if I should be worried that he's vain at the tender age of!

But the truth is...

I just might like LOVE looking at the pics he takes.

And they are usually so cute that they overcome that moment of panic where I think, Oh Goodness...did he call a client while he was playing with my phone?


You can tell it's been "a day" when I've given him my kate spade bracelet to keep him quiet and busy...

Pure Joy!

Do your kids do this?  Am I alone? :)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Summertime Summertime...

I love Summer.  So does my little man.  We are at the playground, splash pad or pool almost every weekend day.

I mean, it's about a million and a half degrees here in Houston, so I guess most other people are doing the same thing ;)

Look at that grin!  I'd do just about anything to get one of those each day!

This one too ;)

And...Jaxson has discovered the magic of snow cones this summer.  He started the summer loving blue ones (blue cotton candy), but has changed over to red (cherry).  He asks to go get a snow cone EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

We humor him at least twice a week..sometimes lots more.

Jaxson is also loving splash day at Primrose.  They get to play in the sprinklers and little pools at his school during the summer.  He's going to be so sad when that ends in a couple of weeks.  They have snow cones there too (are you seening a trend?!)

We've also made a couple of road trips...Port O Connor, Dallas, Austin...we'll head just about anywhere!

Joe Cool

We also spend at least one afternoon a week fishing.  A perk of living by the lake that I love taking advantage of.  Daddy always joins and usually ends up manning the Buzz Light Year fishing pole.  

What would summertime be without cheap plastic cups that you throw away later?

And swimming in the backyard until your hearts content?

Bandit, who has quickly become Jaxson's little mascot, even hopped in for a cool dip.

Isn't this the cutest set?  I got it on sale for $8 during Gymboree's sale last month.  Score!

Yes, this was danger!  We had to buy a new snow cone because that one became brown soup.  EWWW!

We also went to McDonald's for the first time ever.  Hubby makes fun of me because I don't want to feed Jaxson their "food".  So, we tried it.  He took one bite of a chicken nugget and said, "Momma, that isn't chicken".  You're right baby, it isn't.  Please don't eat it.  Sometimes, Mommas know best!

And we've spent great times with special friends.

Play Doh is all the rage at the Ellis household...and has ruined one of our chairs...oops.

And we discovered popsicles....

I love summers.  Jaxson makes them so much more fun.  I can't wait for many many more!

What do you love about summertime?