Tuesday, January 25, 2011

25 Weeks!

Oh my goodness, I am 25 weeks preggo!  Can you believe it?  I can't!  There is NO mistaking that I am very pregnant now!
I swear my belly exploded, like, overnight!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: Baby is the size of two juice boxes stacked on top of each other, and weighs as much as three of them!
Total Weight Gain: Gained 18.5 lbs! 

Belly Growth: 11 inches.  About the size of a soccer ball.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes!!  My sweet mother in law took me shopping at Motherhood, and we found some really cute clothes.  I really needed some!  Like the cutie top I have on in the picture.  We had such fun!  And, if you are looking for maternity clothes, all of their sale stuff is BOGO half off!  Great deals!

Gender: It's a boy!  That has no name : (
Movement: Yes, yes!  All the time and it's wonderful!  I think I might miss it when he is out of there!

Sleep: Better this week. I keep waking up because my arms go to sleep when I sleep on my side.  How do people do that on a normal basis?  I'll never understand.  Hubby sleeps on his side and I just don't know how he does it!

Symptoms: My complexion is not happy.  That part stinks.

Cravings: Nothing really specific this week.  I just love sweet things.

Emotions: I've been really happy, but I miss my parents.  I need some Momma and Daddy time!
Best Moment of the Week:  I have two - 1) Finding maternity clothes that actually made me feel kind of cutie and fashionable 2) My first preggo massage.  It was WONDERFUL! And, she had a pillow with the middle cut out, so I could lay on my belly.  Ugh, it was amazing.  My sweet, precious hairdresser gave the the massage as a gift.
I hope you are all having a wonderful week!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Looks like somebody has a case of the Mondays...

Yes, yes, it's me!

It all started about 12:30AM...with Bandit jumping on my head, whining.  I couldn't figure out what was going on, but Hubby did.  The smoke alarm in our guest room was beeping with the every few minute warning of a low battery.  I don't know what it is about that noise, if it's the pitch or the unfamiliarity, but it makes Bandit so upset.  We knew we didn't have any of the square batteries (trust me, I am going to buy a value pack of them today!), so we just shut our bedroom door and tried to go back to sleep.  Well, Bandit curled up in between the two of us, by our heads, and growled each time the beep went off.  All.Night.Long.  Do you think God is trying to help us get ready for our little one?  I do.  On the bright side, Hubby was very sweet to Bandit.  I would wake up and hear him talking to him, telling him it was okay, very calmly.  It was cute.

Then, we had next to no water pressure this morning.  I have no idea why, or what is going on, but it made for a not so great shower.

I started the dryer after I got out of the shower to fluff the clothes that I didn't fold last night (oops).  Being preggo, my clothing options are very limited.  So, I've learned to plan out my outfits the evening before to avoid getting upset and flustered in the mornings.  When I pulled out my new brown chords, they had detergent powder on them.  How does that happen?  I guess they got wadded up in the wash and all the soap didn't come off?  So, then it was back to the drawing board for clothes.  Let's just say that I don't look like a fashionista today.  And, of course, my boss scheduled a lunch meeting.  Nice.

Finally, I'm off to work.  It's raining, so everyone is driving very slowly.  I allowed myself an hour to get to work (keep in mind it is 7.4 miles) and barely made it on time.  A light at a major intersection was blinking red.  I have never lived anywhere, in my life (and I've lived a lot of places) that has so many lights go out!  And, this is a huge intersection, with 17 different lanes waiting to go.  Do you know how long it takes that many people to get through a light?  I'll tell you - 28 minutes.  My goodness.  My goal for today is to find out what number you call to report stop lights that are not working.  You cannot tell me that not one police person was available to direct traffic through that light.  We live in a large city for goodness sakes!

So, while I am waiting in this stop and go traffic, I somehow managed to miss my mouth and pour my pine-orange-banana juice down the front of my shirt and in my lap.  Nice, very nice.  I guess I should be glad it wasn't a hot drink, and that it at least smells good : )

I kept trying to remind myself this morning, Michelle, this is exactly where God wants you to be, and everyone else waiting in this traffic.  He is keeping you safe, right where he wants to.  Try to embrace it.  Then, when I was pulling into work, I heard a story on the radio.  This woman was pregnant, and the doctors told her that her baby had all kinds of things wrong with him.  A full laundry list that any pregnant woman would fear.  Under developed heart, unformed bones, brain deformities...you name it, she listed it.  She went to 7 different doctors, and they all told her the same thing - abort the pregnancy, this baby will not have a normal life, he will die within a few moments of birth, it would be cruel to keep him alive, even in the womb.  She said she prayed and prayed on her hands and knees like she had never prayed before, and made the decision to trust God and keep her baby.  Three days later he was born, PERFECT!

I think I needed to hear that this morning.  Hubby had a horrible work day, and I really felt like he needed my support.  That story helped me put things into perspective and be a kind, listening, supportive wife.  Thank you God, for putting me right where you needed me : )

Thursday, January 20, 2011

6 Months!

I'm 6 months pregnant!
(24 Weeks)

We had our 6 month appointment today, and baby and I are healthy and happy!  I need to go back in 2-3 weeks for my glucose test - I don't think I'm looking forward to that. 
Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: Baby is the size of an ear of corn, and 1.5lbs!
Total Weight Gain: Gained 17 lbs!  Whoa!  (The doctor told me this morning that I am right on track, and that it's normal for a first time mom to "pop out" over the course of a few weeks.  I told him that "pop out" was a nice way to say EXPLODE.  Seriously, this happened fast.
Belly Growth: 10 inches.  About the size of a basketball.

Maternity Clothes: Oh yes!!  I bought two shirts, a dress, a pair of jeans, and a pair of brown pants online at Old Navy, all for $50, including shipping!  Best deal ever.  I'll do a post about it so you can see.  I can wear some of my own shirts, if they are long enough to cover my belly.
Gender: It's a boy!  That has no name : (
Movement: The neatest thing happened this week - we were able to SEE him moving in there!  Hubby didn't believe me until he laid on the bed and stared at my belly for what seemed like forever, and then he said, "Was that him in there that jumped??"  It was cute.
Sleep: I am waking up each morning around 4:30AM to potty, which means by the time I fall back asleep it's almost time to wake back up.  I think Bandit knows something is changing, because he has started sleeping curled up with me at night, which is something he has never done in all of his sweet 7 years of life.  While I adore the fact that he wants to sleep with me, it makes it hard when I try to roll over or move.  I wake him up, which in turn wakes me and hubby up.  Poor little Bandit.  I've started walking him in the evenings so that we have some "us" time before the baby comes.
Symptoms: I've been feeling wonderful.  I have to potty a couple of times an hour, but I am also drinking tons of water.  I'm trying to drink much more than normal.  Other than the growing, I feel very normal!
Cravings: Nothing really specific this week.  I just love sweet things.

Emotions: I've been very happy!  I'm getting very excited about feeling him moving in there all the time and about my baby showers.  They are going to be so fun!

Best Moment of the Week:  I have two - 1) Seeing the baby move with Hubby 2) Finishing our registries!  After researching my hiney off, we finally decided on all of the gear that we think we need.  Whew!

We are meeting with a financial planner tonight.  We need to set up college funds, life insurance, and our wills.  Man that makes me feel old and grown up!  Hopefully it will go well - I'm a little nervous.

Can I just take a second to thank all of you for all of your kind words and support, especially on all things baby related?  You have no idea how much your emails, advice and comments mean to me.  THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

The Good...the bad...and the ugly...

This is our first time participating in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.  I think it's such a cute idea!

The Good: We finally met with a financial planner last night.
The Bad: We are way behind on our retirement savings plan.
The Ugly: Hubby is the culprit!

The Good: My baby showers have been planned!
The Bad: I am no where near ready to put things in his nursery.
The Ugly: His nursery is filled with Hubby's stuff, so I can't do anything until he moves it.

The Good: I had my 6 month appointment yesterday.
The Bad: I've gained 17 lbs.
The Ugly: Our baby weighs 1.5 lbs...hhhmmmm....

The Good: I had yummy Escalantes for lunch!
The Bad: No part of it was healthy for the baby or me.
The Ugly: I ate too much queso and now I'm slightly miserable : )

Link up to I.M.T.L.Y and join in the fun!

Prayer Thursday

Hi Ladies! 

Thank you all so much for your prayers this past week!  If we can pray for you, please leave your prayer request in the comments below, or feel free to email me - michelle.ann.ellis@gmail.com

Here are our prayer requests for this week -

Please pray for Emily's family.  Her Brother In Law's Mom was just diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer that has spread to her liver.  She is scheduled to start her treatment this week.  Please pray for her, her doctors, her faith, and her family during this time.  I pray that God gives her strength and hope.
Please pray for my coworker, Maurine.  She was just diagnosed with breast cancer.  They found multiple lumps and determined that the cancer has spread to other parts of her body.  She just started chemo and has a beautiful spirit and attitude about it.  She is looking for fun hats a scarfs, because the doctors told her she would probably lose all her hair by the new year.  Do you know of any fun websites that have fun hats and scarfs?  I would love to find her a sassy one!

Please pray for sweet Joanna and her husband, they are waiting for God to bless them with a baby!  They are the most adorable couple I have ever seen, truly!

Please pray for Sarah.  She is in the process of fundraising to bring little Silas home to his forever family!  Please pray that God will provide them the funds that they need to make this possible.

Please pray for my friend Candice and her husband.  They are waiting for God to bless them with a child.

Please pray for Leslie and Noah.  They recently suffered a loss and are waiting to become parents.  You can read about them here.

My parents are taking my Grandmother back to Alabama today.  My Grandfather is home, but still cannot walk.  I'm very worried about them being home alone.  Could you please pray for them?  Thank you so much!
My Aunt is having some health problems and has some tests scheduled for Monday.  Could you please pray for her?

Please pray for Laura.  Her Grandma is showing signs of kidney failure.  She has had a very rough time over the past 15 years, losing two husbands and her mother.  Please also pray for her husband Don, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year and is going through treatments.  Please pray for God to give her the strength and hope to fight through this, and that he hold her tight with love and comfort during this time.   Please also pray for Laura's husband, that he have God's guidance in his life right now.

Please pray for sweet baby Bennett.  He was born oh-so-tiny, but has been getting bigger and stronger!  And, he's HOME!  You can read his little story here.

We have been praying for sweet Annika for awhile now, at the request of Kasey.  Please say a special prayer for her dear little body, that God will give her the strength to fight this disease.  Annika is 5 years old and was diagnosed with a rare form of acute lympocytic leukemia.  Please pray for her, her family and her doctors.  I can't imagine what her family is going through.  Isn't she beautiful?  Just look at that smile!

Please pray for sweet Sarah.  She is praying and waiting for God to bless her with a true Godly man that could be a wonderful influence to her young son to share their lives with.  Her testimony is so beautiful, I felt inspired just reading it.

Please pray for my Daddy's (Jerry) job search and that his good spirits continue.  I just know God has the perfect plan for him. 

I have been following Lianna's blog for a few months now, and she just seems like the sweetest girl!  She and her husband are waiting for God to bless them with a child.  You can read about them here.  Please pray for their journey to become parents.

Please say a quick prayer for all the women waiting for God to bless them with husbands or babies.

Thank you for praying for hubby and I!  Can I ask that you please pray for our little one?  I know it's silly, but there are so many times that I worry about him in there :)

Thank you so very much for all of your prayers!  Please let me know if we can pray for you!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's in a Name...

What's in a name?  Will it determine your child's self worth, self esteem?  I am a huge believer in nurture vs. nature...and I think we, as parents, will determine his self esteem.  BUT - if he has a common name will he feel common?  If his name is misspelled his whole life will he feel insignificant and unimportant?  If his name is the same as 10 other people that he knows will he not feel unique and special? 

Did you know that baseball players with "K" initials tend to strike out more, perhaps reflecting the batters' unconscious pull to appear next to the strikeout symbol "K" on scorecards?  Did you know that students with initials C and D have worse grades than everyone else, gravitating toward the grades their initials represent?  Is this bull?  Probably.  Have I been reading stuff like this lately and thinking about it?  Yes. Maybe.

Welcome to our evening conversations.  Yes, I am aware that we need help.  I wish this little baby boy would come into the world with a name tag.  Or, he could be really prepared, like his mommy, and go ahead and let me know what his name is so I can start getting things monogrammed.  That would be lovely.

The middle and last names are carved in stone.  Jeffrey Ellis.  Hubby's name is Jeffrey, and he wanted a junior, but I put my foot down on that one.  No big Jeff little Jeff for us.  So, he has to have Jeffrey as the middle name.  I would have really liked to give him my Daddy's name, Jerry, or Adam, because my maiden name is Adams and that dies with my sister and I.  But, it's half his baby too, and it's important to him.  Even though I don't understand it, I will respect it.  So in the score of names, he is currently getting 2 out of 3 - haha!

If our sweet baby arrived today, we would name his Jaxson.  I've always liked the name Jackson, but I work with someone with the name Jack that is not always very nice.  Hubby likes names that are spelled differently, so the "X" satisfies that part of him.  What do you think of that name?  My concern is that Jackson is like, the number 3 most popular name of 2010.  Will he be just one of many?  Will his name be misspelled his whole life?  Will it bother him?  Sigh.  I do love Jax for a nickname though - too cute!

What's my pick you ask?  Rhett. As in, Rhett Butler from Gone with the Wind, only the best movie of all time!  I know you Southern Girls know what I am talking about : )  I don't know any little boys named Rhett, and I think it is classic, confident and strong.  And maybe a little suave and mysterious, just like Rhett Butler.  But, Hubby hates it.  I'm still holding out.  I have 15 weeks left - a lot could happen by then, right?

Do you have any good name suggestions?  Please share!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Our Nursery!

The nursery planning has begun!  It was hard to choose all of our itmes, but, we did it!  And, the crib is here, and the bedding is on the registry...so there is no going back now!

We are not really character people.  Not that there is anything wrong with pirates (except that I am terribly afraid of them), lions and tigers and bears (oh my!), they are just not our taste.  I have been searching for a bedding set that is not too baby, or too girly for hubby to like.  I finally found it!

Drumroll please....

I love the argyle print - I think it's preppy.

Changing Pad

These curtains come with the set, but I'm not sure if I am going to use them...

Or these.  What do you think would look better?

A lot of the sets I looked at did not have a hamper.  I love this one, and I am pretty sure that this little boy is going to make lots of dirty laundry!

I am not sure if we are going to use this mobile, or one with brighter colors.  Any ideas?

Here's the whole room.

I love this memo board, that way I can change out pictures and cards that all our sweet friends and family give to him.

I know it sounds silly, but this rug sold me on the whole set.  I LOVE rugs, and this one is just too cutie!

I think I will put his initials on these...do you think that would be cute or silly?  What color fabric?

And now...for the furniture!  We shopped and shopped, and had a really hard time finding something in our budget that had decent reviews, and that we liked.  We wanted a convertible crib that we could turn into a real bed when he became ready.

The dresser

His crib.  I just love it!  I think it looks like a lyre, which is my sorority symbol.

I don't know if we need this smaller dresser too...it might make his room cramped.  What do you think?  Will we need all that storage?

I love this piece.  It is a dresser and a changing table!  Genius!

Well, that's our plan for the room!  What do you think?

Here are the links to everything above -

Thursday, January 13, 2011

23 Weeks!

I'm 23 weeks pregnant!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: Baby is the size of a mango and weighs over a pound!
Total Weight Gain: Gained 15 lbs! Whoa!

Belly Growth: 10 1/2 inches.  I've exploded - seriously.  This happened so fast!
Maternity Clothes: Yes please!  I wore some today that I bought on sale right after the first trimester, and when I tried them on, hubby and I laughed and laughed and thought, these will never, ever fit.  Well, I'm not even 6 months along and they fit!  I'm a little scared of this...   

Gender: It's a BOY!  Now we just have to agree on a name....it's hard.  Everything I come up with, Hubby hates.  He had his feet in the sand about the middle name.  I want him to have my Daddy's name as a middle name, hubby wants him to have his name.  We had a half joking half arguing conversation last night that ended with me saying, "Fine!  You pick all three of his names and just tell me what to call him."  Yes, I'm frustrated.  So, for now I'm done talking about, looking at names, etc.
Movement: Oh yes, and it is the most amazing feeling ever!  I love feeling him wiggling around in there!  I'm hoping hubby will be able to feel him from the outside of my belly soon!
Sleep: Great!  I love sleeping.  I am sleeping with a pillow between my knees, and it is so comfortable.  Yesterday after I got out of the shower, I could see my hand print across my belly.  I guess I had been holding it all night - how funny is that!?
Symptoms: I feel great, just big!!

What I Miss: Coffee coffee and more coffee.

Cravings: Salads.  I have had one for dinner every night this week. 

Emotions: Better this week.  Besides our little disagreement about names, I've been very sweet and level headed. 

Best Moment of the Week: I have two this week.  One is my girlfriends starting to plan my baby shower.  They are so sweet and making this so much fun!  The other is choosing our bedding at long last!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

30 Things before I'm 30 - Revised for Baby

So, last year I made my list of 30 goals to accomplish before I turned 30.  Well, with our little boy coming this May, and me turning 30 in October...I think some priorities will just have to be shifted.  So - I thought I would share my revisions and updates with you - hold me accountable please!

1. Read the Bible. Yes, all of it - I'm working on this one and I plan to be finished before the baby comes!
2. Become and active and contributing member of a Church - We have been going to every weekend that we are in town, and we are really enjoying it.  We just are not positive if this is "the one" for us.  So, we will see about this one : )
3. Treat my Mom to a spa day - Unfortunately, we are saving each and every penny that we have to go towards baby stuff and daycare right now.  I did, however, treat her to a spa mani/pedi for Christmas : )
4. Get Jeff a racing day - No longer in our budget for the time being : (
5. Organize my recipe book - still plan on finishing this one!
6. Get on a schedule where I make a point to see my girlfriends once a month. Both sets of them.  I'm getting better at this one!
7. Get hardwood floors! - Not in the budget any longer : (
8. Pay off my new car - Turns out Day Care is more expensive than the extra payments I was making on the car - this one will have to wait.
9. Finish emergency fund - Done!
10. Work out 3x weekly for a month (hopefully then it will become a habit?) - Um...not so much since I got pregnant.  But - I did do my first DVD preggo workout last night, and I liked it!  So, we will see if I can do it this month.
11. Organize closets (all three of them!) - This WILL BE DONE!  We have been working on cleaning out all of our house to make room for baby.
12. Paint our home - all the rooms! - We picked the paint, and are hiring the painters if Feb.  I can't wait!
13. Buy bedroom furniture - Done!
14. Daily devotionals - Doing them!  Spending time with God daily makes a HUGE difference in my day.  I can totally tell on days where I don't take the time.
15. Join a volunteer organization - Done!
16. Tithe the entire 10% - Always - no matter what.  I have done this all year, and I must say, am very happy that I have.  I feel like I am doing the right thing, and showing God how grateful I am and that I can be a responsible steward of his money.
17. Adopt a family for Christmas - Well, there will not be another Christmas before I turn 30.  But, I did try to adopt one this year, but had a very difficult time getting their sponsor to give me any information, and it just did not work out.  I hope to do this with our son each year when he is old enough to realize what the meaning of Christmas is.
18. More DIY projects - I know I can be crafty!  I've done quite a few, and plan on doing more!
19. Have a booth at a craft show - I would so love to do this next year before my birthday!  I'm not sure how much time I will have to make things before the baby comes, but I'm going to leave this one on the list for now.
20. Take a wine 101 class - YES PLEASE!  I am doing one as soon as I can : )
21. Have wedding dress cleaned / repaired - Yes, this needs to be done prior to the little one's arrival.
22. Make a scrapbook for 2009 - This needs to be done too.
23. Finish wedding book - Yeah, this one too...
24. Order wedding album - Oops...I don't know if this one will be in the budget...it might have to wait until we see how really expensive this baby stuff is...
25. Get rings sautered - Done!
26. Buy Jeff a nice watch - I don't think I will be able to swing this with our new added expenses.  A nice watch to my husband is something in the 3k range, and that's 3 months of day care!
27. Get a T-Shirt quilt made - I would still like to do this.
28. Refinish table in the man room
29. Sew stockings from wedding fabric - I can do this!
30. Sew tree skirt from wedding fabric - I can do this!

So there you have it, the revised list.  I had NO IDEA how much would change in our lives after getting preggo.  No idea.  Do you have a list like this?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

22 Weeks

I'm 22 weeks pregnant!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash and weighs a pound!
Total Weight Gain: Gained 14 lbs! Whoa!

Belly Growth: 9 3/4 inches.  After catching a glimpse of my belly one morning this week, he said, whoa, you are really pregnant now, your tummy sticks out farther than your boobs!  haha, thanks babe!

Maternity Clothes: Oh yes.  The Belly Band is over.  I can fit in full fledged maternity pants now, and let me tell you - elastic waistbands are SO COMFORTABLE.  I mean, really comfortable!   

Gender: It's a BOY!  Now we just have to agree on a name....
Movement: Oh yes, and it is the most amazing feeling ever!  I love feeling him wiggling around in there!  I'm hoping hubby will be able to feel him from the outside of my belly soon!
Sleep: I can't sleep more than 8 hours.  My body just won't let me.  But, I'm sleeping through the night, which is wonderful.
Symptoms: I've felt great this week, just big and a little sore.  I think it's from all this growing! 

What I Miss: Coffee.  I really wanted a Starbucks this week!
Cravings: I've been loving Cherry candy canes - Yummy!

Emotions: I had a slight crazy episode this week, and got really upset at hubby for something so silly.  I realized I was being ridiculous when he said, "I don't know what you want me to do", and I realized that I didn't know either.  Poor guy.  Then I felt so awful, that I started crying and cried the rest of the evening - I just couldn't stop.  Crazy, crazy.  But, other than that, I've been very happy.  And Hubby was quick to forgive me for being a crazy preggo lady :)

Best Moment of the Week: We got our crib in the mail!  We are going to wait until the room is cleaned out and painted to open it, but I'm just so happy that it's here!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Prayer Thursday

Hi Ladies! 

Thank you all so much for your prayers this past week!  If we can pray for you, please leave your prayer request in the comments below, or feel free to email me - michelle.ann.ellis@gmail.com

Here are our prayer requests for this week -

Please pray for Nicole.  She had a car accident and a fall - and is suffering from a tail bone injury.  The doctors told her it could take months and months to heal!  She is one of those precious, sweet people that I wish I knew in "real life", and it makes me so sad to know that she is in pain.  We need her to heal before her wedding - it's only 4 months away!!!!

Please pray for my coworker, Maurine.  She was just diagnosed with breast cancer.  They found multiple lumps and determined that the cancer has spread to other parts of her body.  She just started chemo and has a beautiful spirit and attitude about it.  She is looking for fun hats a scarfs, because the doctors told her she would probably lose all her hair by the new year.  Do you know of any fun websites that have fun hats and scarfs?  I would love to find her a sassy one!

Please pray for sweet Joanna and her husband, they are waiting for God to bless them with a baby!  They are the most adorable couple I have ever seen, truly!

Please pray for Sarah.  She is in the process of fundraising to bring little Silas home to his forever family!  Please pray that God will provide them the funds that they need to make this possible.

Please pray for my friend Candice and her husband.  They are waiting for God to bless them with a child.

Please pray for Teresa.  Her husband, Jack, had a stroke and is hospitalized.  Their family needs us to pray for them and Jack's doctors and care.  You can read about them here.

Please pray for Leslie and Noah.  They recently suffered a loss and are waiting to become parents.  You can read about them here.

My Grandmother was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  Since my Grandfather is in the hospital, my parents went to Alabama and brought her back to Texas to stay with them for a few weeks.  She is in terrible physical and mental shape, and my Dad is staying home to take care of her.  He is a saint!  They hired a nurse to come in 3 days a week for 4 hours at a time.  Please pray that they chose the perfect person and that this will be a good thing for our family.  She keeps asking to go home to see my Edaddy and her kitty cat.  It's been very hard on everyone.  Please pray for her and my parents, and give all of them peace, patience, and understanding.

My Grandfather had another back surgery where they discovered two additional fractures in his spine.  They will not know for at least 2 months if he will regain the use of his leg (he lost one in an accident 40 years ago), and if he will be bed ridden or will be able to go back home.   Please pray that he continues to keep his drive to get better and work hard, and pray for his doctors and PTs.  My Aunt is his only visitor, and she lives about an hour and a half away from him.  I know it is hard on him to be there alone, and for her to travel almost every evening to go and see him.  Please pray for her patience and travels as she continues to go back and forth to visit him.  I don't know what we would do without her!
Please pray for Laura.  Her Grandma is showing signs of kidney failure.  She has had a very rough time over the past 15 years, losing two husbands and her mother.  Please also pray for her husband Don, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year and is going through treatments.  Please pray for God to give her the strength and hope to fight through this, and that he hold her tight with love and comfort during this time.   Please also pray for Laura's husband, that he have God's guidance in his life right now.

Please pray for sweet baby Bennett.  He was born oh-so-tiny, but has been getting bigger and stronger!  You can read his little story here.

We have been praying for sweet Annika for awhile now, at the request of Kasey.  Please say a special prayer for her dear little body, that God will give her the strength to fight this disease.  Annika is 5 years old and was diagnosed with a rare form of acute lympocytic leukemia.  Please pray for her, her family and her doctors.  I can't imagine what her family is going through.  Isn't she beautiful?  Just look at that smile!

Please pray for sweet Sarah.  She is praying and waiting for God to bless her with a true Godly man that could be a wonderful influence to her young son to share their lives with.  Her testimony is so beautiful, I felt inspired just reading it.

Please pray for my Daddy's (Jerry) job search and that his good spirits continue.  I just know God has the perfect plan for him. 

I have been following Lianna's blog for a few months now, and she just seems like the sweetest girl!  She and her husband are waiting for God to bless them with a child.  You can read about them here.  Please pray for their journey to become parents.

Please say a quick prayer for all the women waiting for God to bless them with husbands or babies.

Thank you for praying for hubby and I!  Can I ask that you please pray for our little one?  I know it's silly, but there are so many times that I worry about him in there :)

Thank you so very much for all of your prayers!  Please let me know if we can pray for you!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to You and Yours!

We rang in the New Year with some dear friends of ours, eating good food, catching up, and playing some serious flip cup!  (Well, I watched, haha!)

Here are a few pictures from the evening -

Flip cup crew

Me, baby & Bandit

Our sweet hosts, Lindsey and Greg

Hubby & Me

We had to hold Bandit during the fireworks, he wanted to chase them all!  It was too cute.

I think Josh would kidnap Bandit if he thought we wouldn't figure it out...

Using our new flip!  Thanks Mom and Daddy!

New Year - New Resolutions

Happy New Year my Sweet Friends!

I hope your 2011 started off wonderfully, full of love, happiness and blessings!

Usually I make a list of resolutions at the start of each year.  This year is going to be different from any year that I have ever know.  Come May, it won't be just us anymore, we will have our sweet little boy.  Thinking of getting ready for him, bringing him safely into our home, figuring out how to be a Mommy and a Wife...wow, that makes me a little overwhelmed.  So, this year, I found the perfect resolution that can encompass all of these things in my life.

I want to live my life like this -

"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16

If I can live my life this way, with God in my heart, glorifying Him, praising Him, I know it will be a beautiful year!

What are your resolutions for the coming year?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Prayer Thursday - On a Saturday...

Hi Ladies! 

I sincerely apologize for being late with our Prayer Requests this week - AGAIN!  I've got to get it together now that Christmas is over!  We have also had some family things going on with my Emommy and Edaddy, my loving, amazing Grandparents on my Mom's side.  There are more details in the prayer requests below.

Thank you all so much for your prayers this past week!  If we can pray for you, please leave your prayer request in the comments below, or feel free to email me - michelle.ann.ellis@gmail.com

Here are our prayer requests for this week -

Please pray for Nicole.  She had a car accident and a fall - and is suffering from a tail bone injury.  The doctors told her it could take months and months to heal!  She is one of those precious, sweet people that I wish I knew in "real life", and it makes me so sad to know that she is in pain.  We need her to heal before her wedding - it's only 4 months away!!!!

Please pray for my coworker, Maurine.  She was just diagnosed with breast cancer.  They found multiple lumps and determined that the cancer has spread to other parts of her body.  She just started chemo and has a beautiful spirit and attitude about it.  She is looking for fun hats a scarfs, because the doctors told her she would probably lose all her hair by the new year.  Do you know of any fun websites that have fun hats and scarfs?  I would love to find her a sassy one!

Please pray for sweet Joanna and her husband, they are waiting for God to bless them with a baby!  They are the most adorable couple I have ever seen, truly!

Please pray for Sarah.  She is in the process of fundraising to bring little Silas home to his forever family!  Please pray that God will provide them the funds that they need to make this possible.

Please pray for my friend Candice and her husband.  They are waiting for God to bless them with a child.

Please pray for Teresa.  Her husband, Jack, had a stroke and is hospitalized.  Their family needs us to pray for them and Jack's doctors and care.  You can read about them here.

Please pray for Leslie and Noah.  They recently suffered a loss and are waiting to become parents.  You can read about them here.

My Grandmother was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  Since my Grandfather is in the hospital, my parents went to Alabama and brought her back to Texas to stay with them for a few weeks.  She is in terrible physical and mental shape, and my Dad is staying home to take care of her.  He is a saint!  They hired a nurse to come in 3 days a week for 4 hours at a time.  Please pray that they chose the perfect person and that this will be a good thing for our family.  She keeps asking to go home to see my Edaddy and her kitty cat.  It's been very hard on everyone.  Please pray for her and my parents, and give all of them peace, patience, and understanding.

My Grandfather had another back surgery where they discovered two additional fractures in his spine.  They will not know for at least 2 months if he will regain the use of his leg (he lost one in an accident 40 years ago), and if he will be bed ridden or will be able to go back home.   Please pray that he continues to keep his drive to get better and work hard, and pray for his doctors and PTs.  My Aunt is his only visitor, and she lives about an hour and a half away from him.  I know it is hard on him to be there alone, and for her to travel almost every evening to go and see him.  Please pray for her patience and travels as she continues to go back and forth to visit him.  I don't know what we would do without her!
Please pray for Laura.  Her Grandma is showing signs of kidney failure.  She has had a very rough time over the past 15 years, losing two husbands and her mother.  Please also pray for her husband Don, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year and is going through treatments.  Please pray for God to give her the strength and hope to fight through this, and that he hold her tight with love and comfort during this time.   Please also pray for Laura's husband, that he have God's guidance in his life right now.

Please pray for sweet baby Bennett.  He was born oh-so-tiny, but has been getting bigger and stronger!  You can read his little story here.

We have been praying for sweet Annika for awhile now, at the request of Kasey.  Please say a special prayer for her dear little body, that God will give her the strength to fight this disease.  Annika is 5 years old and was diagnosed with a rare form of acute lympocytic leukemia.  Please pray for her, her family and her doctors.  I can't imagine what her family is going through.  Isn't she beautiful?  Just look at that smile!

Please pray for sweet Sarah.  She is praying and waiting for God to bless her with a true Godly man that could be a wonderful influence to her young son to share their lives with.  Her testimony is so beautiful, I felt inspired just reading it.

Please pray for my Daddy's (Jerry) job search and that his good spirits continue.  I just know God has the perfect plan for him. 

I have been following Lianna's blog for a few months now, and she just seems like the sweetest girl!  She and her husband are waiting for God to bless them with a child.  You can read about them here.  Please pray for their journey to become parents.

Please say a quick prayer for all the women waiting for God to bless them with husbands or babies.

Thank you for praying for hubby and I!  Can I ask that you please pray for our little one?  I know it's silly, but there are so many times that I worry about him in there :)

Thank you so very much for all of your prayers!  Please let me know if we can pray for you!

21 Weeks

I'm 21 weeks pregnant!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: Baby is the size of a large banana and weighs almost a pound!
Total Weight Gain: Gained 10 lbs! Whoa!

Belly Growth: 9 inches

Maternity Clothes: It's starting....my Mom got me some really cutie outfits for Christmas, and I've started wearing maternity things little by little.  I still don't fill out those full panels though. 

Gender: It's a BOY!  Now we just have to agree on a name....
Movement: Oh yes, and it is the most amazing feeling ever!  I love feeling him wiggling around in there!  I'm hoping hubby will be able to feel him from the outside of my belly soon!
Sleep: I can't sleep more than 8 hours.  My body just won't let me.  But, I'm sleeping through the night, which is wonderful.
Symptoms: I've felt great this week, just big and a little sore.  I think it's from all this growing! 

What I Miss: Red wine and sushi this week.
Cravings: Nothing specific this week.

Emotions: Very happy!  We spent some time with good friends this weekend, and it makes me so happy to see them and catch up.  They are all so sweet and excited about Baby Ellis!  We are blessed to have such wonderful friends, thank you all so much for your love and support!

Best Moment of the Week: Overhearing and post flip cup playing Hubby telling a stranger on NYE how excited he was about our baby and how he can't wait for him to get here.  I don't know why, but that made me so very happy.